Study on the Evaluation of Forestry Sustainable Development in Weibei area of the Loess Plateau
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Key Words: forestry development  evaluation  indicator system  Yongshou county  Weibei area of the Loess Plateau
Author NameAffiliation
SUN Nan Northwest A&F Uniuersity, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China 
ZHAO Zhong Northwest A&F Uniuersity, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China 
WANG Weili Forestry Bureau of Hua County, Hua County, Shaanxi 714100, China 
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      It is the planning and implementation unit of reforestation and forest management. On the basis of the re-gional characteristics and the present status of forestry in Weibei area of the Loess Plateau, an evaluating system for the forestry development has been established, which includes 47 indicators of 4 subsystems, viz. status of forest resources, functions of the ecological environment, socioeconomic benefit and support systems. The weighting of the indicators is de-termined by Delphi method, method of frequency analysis and SSMII, and the evaluation of forestry development in Yongshou county of Weibei area has been made. The results indicated that forestry in Yongshou county is at a transforma-tion period forestry. The evaluating system can reveal the status of the forestry development in Weibei area. lt can be used to evaluate the the forestry development in Weibei area.