Potential application four maize early generation material
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Key Words: maize  early generation materials  dominant effect  combined analysis of variance  genetic variance component estimation
Author NameAffiliation
YU Haibing Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang, Anhui 233100, China 
WANG Jinshun Agricultural Institute of Anhui Huangshan, huangshan, Anhui 245011, China 
REN Xiangdong Agricultural Institute of Anhui Huangshan, huangshan, Anhui 245011, China 
LIU Zheng Anhui Science and Technology University, Fengyang, Anhui 233100, China 
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      Analyzed genetic variance components of yield and its component elements and F1 heterosis advantages, population had a positive average advantage, espicially cross combination of A037 and PQ47, the biggest amplitude was as high as 42.17%. and the minimum amplitude was 6.21% which was found in cross combination of A15M9 and Gui M130. More importantly, we found 34 cross combinations amplitude more than 20%. Effect of plant height by dominant effect, additive effect and dominant × environment, which total phenotypic variance account for 16.14%, 20.65% and 11.34% respectively. Effect of ear position height by dominant × environment effect, which account for 12.27% . Effect of ear length by additive effect and dominant × environment, which account for 28.10% and 31.15% respectively. Effect of ear stem width by dominant × environment, which account for 17.65%. Effect of row kernel number, dominant, additive × Environment and dominant × environment, which account for 34.07%, 27.24%, 62.06% and 41.63% respectively. Effect of 100-seed weight by additive × environment and dominant × environment, which account for 42.86% and 66.00% respectively. Effect of seed-producing percentage by additive × environment and dominant × environment, which account for 121.86% and 85.63% respectively. In additionally, the genetic diversity analysis showed that there was complex nonlinear relation between genetic relationships of the four parents and ten test lines and F1 genotype.