Evaluation of drought tolerance in silage maize based on chlorophyll content and fluorescence kinetics parameters
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Key Words: silage maize  chlorophyll content  chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parameters  drought tolerance  key
Author NameAffiliation
HE Wenzhu Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
ZHAN Biao Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
WAN Pei Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
YANG Junpin Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
LENG Yifeng Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
KANG Jiwei Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
TANG Haitao Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
CHEN Jie Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
TAN Jun Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
TANG Honggang Crop Research lnstitute,Sichuan Academy of Agricultural Sciences(SAAS),Chengdu,Sichuan 610066,China 
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      In attempt to provide a reliable theoretieal basis for breeding of drought toleranee in silage maize in the arid hilly areas, the drought tolerance in silage maize were determined. The ehlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluores-cence kinetics parameters of 26 silage maize inbred lines and 105 crosscs were measured using chlorophyll fluorometer. The principal component and correlation analysis were conducted against their key indices of drought toleranee,eombining ability and genetic parameters.The order of influencing factors of Fv/Fm was:leaf Fv>leaf Fm>leaf Fo>leaf Area >leaf SPAD>bracteal leaf Fv/Fm>bracteal leaf SPAD. 9 inbred liaes which had higher general combining ability (GCA)and 19 crosses which had higher specific combining ability(SCA)were screened from the present study for 5 traits including leaf Fm, leaf Fv, leaf Area, leaf Fv/Fm and leaf SPAD. At silking stage in F1, the additive variation was principal in leaf Fo and leaf Area; leaf Fm and leaf Fv were commonly controlled by additive and no-additive ef-fects;non-additive variation was principal in leaf Fv/Fm and leaf SPAD. The order of narrow heritability(h2N)was: leaf SPAD>leaf Area>leaf Fo>leaf Fv>leaf Fm>leaf Fv/Fm. lt eould inerease biologieal yield of silage maize in the arid areas through early generation positive direct selection for leaf Fv, early generation negative direct selection for leaf Fo, and utilization of heterosis for leaf Fv/Fm. Chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence kinetics parame-ters could be employed for sereening of drought toleranee in silage maize.