Characteristics of groundwater evaporation and water-salt transport in saline soil under different opening ratios of film
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Key Words: opening ratio of film  groundwater evaporation  soil w ater-salt transport
Author NameAffiliation
SHI Wen-juan1, XING Xu-guang1, ZHANG Zhen-h ua1,2, WANG Fen-ping3 (1.西安理工大学西北水资源与环境生态教育部重点实验室 陕西 西安 710048
山东 德州 253014 3.周至县农广校 陕西 周至 710400) 
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      The indoor simulating experiment of evaporation was carried out in soil columns to observe the behaviors of groundwater evaporation and water-salt movement in saline soil in shallow water-table zone under different opening ratios of film. The results showed that film mulching could significantly inhibit the groundwater evaporation and reduce the salt accumulation on the soil surface compared with no plastic mulching. Under the condition of 3.24%, 9.97% and 20.27% opening ra tios, the accumulated groundwater evaporation was reduced by 79.87%, 74.17% and 77.93% respectively, and the conductivity of soil solution was reduced by 33.18%, 22.70%, and 25.57% respectively, in contrast with the control at the end of the ten days. Therefore, the influence of mulching to groundwater evaporation was more obvious than to salt accumulation. Among these three opening ratios, the treatment of 9.97% caused relatively high salt accumulation on the soil surface and large groundwater evaporation. The moisture content in soil profile kept relatively stable, but the groundwater evaporation intensity decreased with the increase of time for different opening ratios, which could be attributed to that the salt crusts in soil surface were developed in the initial evaporation phase and they in return inhibited the water evaporation. The effect of opening ratios on salt movement was different for various ions, in which, the accumulation of Cl- was influenced more remarkably by opening ratios than that of Na+ and SO42-.