Effects of different water holding materials on seedling growth of dry farming maize and soil water storage in Loess Plateau of Inner Mongolia
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Key Words: water holding material  maize  seedling growth  soil water storage  yield  persistent effect
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TIAN Lu, LI Li-jun, GUO Xiao-xia, LIU Jing-hui, LIU Xia (内蒙古农业大学农学院 内蒙古 呼和浩特 010019) 
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      In order to make clear the water conserving effects of different water holding materials and to relief the restriction of water shortage on seedling growth of maize in dry farming area, the experiment was conducted in Qingshuihe County, I nner Mongolia. There were 5 treatments including PAA(A1), PAM(B1), humic acid(C1 ), bentonite(D1) and control(CK) in 2011, and 8 treatments including A2, B2, C2, A1, B1, C1, D1 and CK (1 meant that the water holding materials were appl ied in only one year, while 2 meant that they were applied continuously in two y ears) in 2012. The effects of these materials on water conserving ability of soi l as well as seedling growth and yield of maize were analyzed. The results showe d that, in 2011, the overall effect of the treatments was ordered as: A1>B1>D1>C 1>CK; the water holding materials could increase the emergence rate and shorte n the emergence time of maize by 1~2 days. In 2012, all water holding material s promoted the seedling growth of maize and the water conserving ability of soil , and the overall effect of the treatments was ordered as: A2>B2>C2>D1>A1>B1>C1> CK. Compared with CK, the emergence rate of maize under A2, B2, C2, D1, A1, B1 and C1 increased by 9.87%, 7.28%, 5.71%, 5.41%, 4.41%, 3.13% and 1.26%, resp ecti vely; the daily increment of plant height increased by 15.67%, 14.93%, 13.43 %, 1 1.94%, 11.94%, 8.21% and 0.00%, respectively; the fresh weight increased by 38.8 4%, 34.52%, 28.80%, 25.17%, 21.93%, 13.67% and 2.48%, respectively; the soil wat er storage in 0~20 cm during seedling stage increased by 30.07%, 28.16%, 16.26% , 15.62%, 8.50%, 7.97% and 2.34%, respectively; and the yield of maize increased by 25.15%, 22.45%, 19.05%, 15.05%, 14.17%, 12.88% and 5.37%, respectively. Cons idering all the indexes and the annual changes comprehensively, the overall effe ct of D1 was better than that of A1, B1 and C1, and its effect was more persiste nt.