Dynamics of soil enzyme activity and N and P content under different fertilizer rates in maize field with full plastic film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows
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Key Words: maize with full plastic film mulching on double ridge s and planting in catchment furrows  fertilizer application  enzyme activity  N and P nutrient  dynamic change
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Hong-sheng1, XU Zhen-feng2, YAN Zhi-li3, NIU Jun-yi2, GAO Yu-hong2, LI Yang2 (1.甘肃省会宁县农牧局 甘肃 会宁 730799 2.甘肃农业大学农学院 甘肃 兰州 7300703.河北科技师范学院 河北 秦皇岛 066004) 
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      To further improve maize technical system with ful l plastic film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows, the field experiment was conducted to determine the dynamic response of the enzyme activity and the content of N (nitrogen) and P (phosphate) in two soil segments (0 to 20 cm and 20 to 40 cm) to different N and P fertilizer application rates, using a randomized complete block design with three replications. The results re vealed that the activity of soil urease, phosphatase and invertase as well as th e content of soil available N and available P consistently followed a rapid incr easing trend during the early growing period of maize. The activity of urease, i nvertase and catalase and the content of available N peaked at jointing stage, while the highest value of phosphatase activity and available P content occurred at tasselling stage. However, the activity of various soil enzymes and the cont ent of N and P declined during the late growing period. There existed positively significant (P<0.05) or extremely significant (P<0.01) correlations b etween urease activity and N and P content as well as between alkaline phosphata se activity and available P content. Invertase activity is positively correlated to available N and P content at significant (P<0.05) level. There was no si gnificant correlation between catalase activity and N and P content, as well as between alkaline phosphatase activity and available N. In the arid or semiarid a reas of northwest China, the optimal fertilizer application rate for maize with full plastic film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows w as N 210 kg·hm-2 and P2O5 168 kg·hm-2 when the plant density was 6.75×104 plant·hm-2.