Effect of antibiotic concentration on agronomic traits of different varieties virus free potato plantlets
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Key Words: potato  variety  antibiotic concentration  growth
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CAO Jun-mai (北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院, 宁夏 银川 750021) 
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      The different varieties of virus free potato plan tlets were selected as the meterials, and using the method of randomized block d esign of two factor to study the effects of genotypes and different antibiotic concentrations on the fresh weight of shoot and root, the dry weight of shoot an d root, leaf number, node number, plant height, stem diameter, root length and r oot number of individuals after 14 d culture. Our results showed that genotypes had significant effects on the ten agronomic traits (P<0.05). Four kinds of antibiotic concentrations(0、20、40、60 mg·L-1)had notable interacti on effects on other agronomic characters eccept stem diameter (P<0.05), the suitable antibiotic concentrations were 0 mg·L-1 and 20 mg·L-1. Ex cept for leaf number and root length properties index, the genotypes and antibio tic concentrationshad notable interactions on other agronomic characters eccept (P<0.05). The suitable antibiotic concentrations for the early maturing va rietie “Atlantic”, medium maturing varietie “Kexin 1” and late maturing va rietie “Qingshu 168” were 0 mg·L-1 and 20 mg·L-1, to prevent the pollution and production reduction, we suggested to add 20 mg·L-1 antibi otic if subcultured for 3-5 generations.