Research on comprehensive effect of the main practices of conservation tillage for double cropping system in Guangzhong basin of Shaanxi Province——Ⅰ.Effect of main practices on soil hysicochemical properties
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Key Words: conservation tillage  double cropping system  soil physico chemical properties  Guanzhong basin
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YAN Xiao-li1, XUE Shao-ping1*, WANG Xiang1, SUN Tao1, WANG Zhong-you2 (1.西北农林科技大学机械与电子工程学院 陕西 杨凌 7121002.陕西省渭南市农业机械技术推广站 陕西 渭南 714000) 
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      In order to cope with the problems facing conservation tillage practices in double cropping system Guanzhong basin, Shaanxi Province, the effects of five types and ten main tillage techniques on soil physicochemical properties was investigated, using conventional tillage as control. The results showed that: the physico-chemical properties of the soil environment of double cropping system exhibited higher values for the subsoiling techniques without straw mulching. Rotary tillage with straw mulching showed high values compared with rotary tillage with no straw mulching. Deep subsoiling performed better than shallow subsoiling under straw mulching. Non-tillage with no straw mulching were better than no-tillage with straw mulching. In addition, plowing tillage with straw returning between the two practices of plowing tillage had a good performance.