Research on crop production value of sweet maize and vegetable intercropping patterns
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Key Words: sweet maize  vegetable  intercropping  production value
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AN Tong-xin1, WU Bo-zhi1, DAI Ping2, NIU Hua-lin3 (1.云南农业大学 云南 昆明 650201 2.云南曲靖市麒麟区农业局 云南 曲靖 655000 3.云南省通海县农业技术推广中心 云南 通海 652700) 
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      In order to improve the benefits of vegetable intercropping and multiple cropping, this experiment was conducted to compare the production value of eight patterns on sweet maize and intercropping. The results are as follows: the total income and yield of sweet maize and vegetable intercropping are higher than vegetable monocropping. The total income of the pattern(2∶4) was the highest in 2004, and was increased by 49.1% on average than vegetable monocropping. The total income of the pattern (2 rows of sweet maize ‖4 rows of cabbage / 4 rows asparagus lettuce) was 67 377 yuan·hm-2 in 2005, which was the highest income of crop sowing in summer. It has been increased by 96% as compared to the vegetable monocropping in same season. The total income of the pattern (2 rows of garden radish ‖11 rows of garlic / 2 rows of asparagus lettuce) was 64 667 yuan·hm-2 in 2005, which was the highest income of crop sowing in autumn. It had been increased by 161% in comparison with the vegetable monocropping, and its annual total income was increased by 299.5% than monocropping. In conclusion, maize and vegetable intercropping can increase the yield and output of intercropping and rotation, and the patterns of 2∶4 are recommended for vegetable production.