Comprehensive evaluation on quality of hydrological ecosystems in large-scale irrigation district in semi-arid region——A case study of Jinghuiqu Irrigation District, Shaanxi Province
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Key Words: hydrological ecosystem  semi-arid region  Jinghuiqu Irrigation District  comprehensive evaluation
Author NameAffiliation
QIAO Chang-lu1,2 (1.石河子大学 水利建筑工程学院 新疆 石河子 832003 2.长安大学 水与发展研究院 陕西 西安 710054) 
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      According to the current hydrological ecological conditions and existing major problems in Jinghuiqu Irrigation District, a comprehensive evaluation index system consisted of three hierarchies and 16 individual indexes was established. The weights for each evaluation index were allotted based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and confirmed the evaluation criteria and two-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Taking the specific indexes of Jinghuiqu Irrigation District in 2000, was carried out the real example for validation.The evaluation results showed that the quality of hydrological meteorological elements and eco-environment elements was the medium level; the mem berships of medium level for both were 36.7% and 42.3%, respectively. At the same time, the social-economic element was relatively very poor and its membership to the very poor level was high as 61.1%. Overall, the quality of hydrological ecosystems of Jinghuiqu Irrigation District in 2000 was a medium level. This evaluation result was matched well with the real situation. It was explained that the analytic hierarchy process and two-level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method had a certain application value for the comprehensive evaluation of quality of hydrological ecosystem in large-scale irrigation district in semi-arid region.