The temperature variation and minimum temperature forecast inside solar greenhouse in mountainous region of south Ningxia
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Key Words: mountainous region of south Ningxia  solar greenhouse  minimum temperature  forecasting
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Lei1,2, CAO Ning1,2, WEI Jian-guo1,2, DUAN Xiao-feng1,2 (1.宁夏气象科学研究所 宁夏 银川 750002 2.宁夏气象防灾减灾重点实验室 宁夏 银川 750002) 
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      Based on the temperature inside the solar greenhouse and common observation meteorological data of the local climate stations, has carried out the research on the temperature variation law and minimum temperature forecasting methods inside the solar greenhouse. The results showed that: the daily temperature variation law inside the solar greenhouse was obvious difference under different weather conditions. The daily maximum temperature in the solar greenhouse mainly occurred at 12∶00—14∶00, and the daily minimum temperature in the solar greenhouse mainly occurred at 7∶00—9∶00. The minimum temperature inside and outside solar greenhouse presented obvious linear relationsh ip. The linear regression equation of the minimum temperature inside the solar greenhouse was established according to that. Through the examination of history back substitution indicated the forecasting equation were good accuracy: whole orecasting absolute errors was less than 4℃, and accounted for more than 80% of the total, was less than 2℃.