Effects of straw deep returning on soil structure moisturein semiarid region of Northeast China
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Key Words: straw deep returning  soil structure  soil aggregate particle  soil moisture
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ZOU Hong-tao, WANG Sheng-nan, YAN Hong-liang, MA Ying-bo, FAN Qing-feng, HUANG Yi, ZHANG Yu-long (沈阳农业大学土地与环境学院农业部东北耕地保育重点实验室土肥资源高效利用国家工程实验室 辽宁 沈阳 110866) 
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      A field experiment was conducted to explore the effects of strawdeep returning on soil structure and moisture in semiarid region of Northeast China. Results indicated a marked influence of straw deep returning on soil structure and moisture distribution. Soil bulk density of the control treatment of three-year returning was 1.34 g·cm-3. The average bulk density of each treatment was 1.34 g·cm-3. Soil bulk density decreased significantly, in particular >5 mm aggregate particles accounting for 18.69%~27.20%. Results revealed improved ability to resist external force damage, increased mean weight diameter and geometric and reduction of water-stable aggregates stability rate and soil structure breakage for the treatment of returning 800 kg·hm-2. In addition, soil water holding capacity was higher than the control treatment.