Effect of density and fertilizer interaction on yield and water use efficiency of maize cultivated by system of full plastic-film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows
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Key Words: full plastic-film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows  density and fertilizer interaction  grain yield  water use efficiency(WUE)
Author NameAffiliation
XU Zheng-feng1, LIU Hong-sheng2, GAO Yu-hong1, NIU Jun-yi1,OU Zuo-ming2, WANG Wei-feng2, LIU Xue-cui2 (1.甘肃农业大学农学院甘肃 兰州 730070 2.会宁县农牧局 甘肃 会宁 730799) 
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      Effect of fertilizer and density interaction on yield and water use efficiency of maize with full plastic-film mulching on double ridges and planting in catchment furrows were studied to further improve this maize cultivation system, using a randomized complete block design with three rep lications. The results indicated that the grain yield and water use efficiency in the 6.75×104 plant·hm-2 treatment were significantly higher than that of 4.50×104 plant·hm-2. Kernel rows per ear and yield in N 180 kg·hm-2 and P2O5 144 kg·hm-2 were higher than that of others. 100-grain weigth and water use efficiency in N 210 kg·hm-2 and P2O5 168 kg·hm-2. 100-grain weight were higher than that of others. Yield and water use efficiency in the interaction system of 6.75×104 plant·hm-2 density, N 210 kg·hm-2, and P2O5 168 kg·hm-2 were higher than those of other treatments, as are recommended for the ridge-furrow mulching system.