Identification of drought resistance of landrace rice mini core germplasm in Guangxi
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Key Words: Guangxi  core germplasm  whole growth period  drought Stress  identification and evaluation
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XIA Xiu-zhong, ZEN Yu, LI Dan-ting, NONG Bao-xuan, LIU Kai-qiang, CHEN Ren-tian, DEN Guo-fu (广西壮族自治区农业科学院水稻研究所 广西 南宁 530007) 
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      A total of 105 mini core collection of rice germplasm in Guangxi were indentified through treatment of whole growth period drought stress. D value was employed as the standard of evaluation, which was calculated according to panicle neck thick, effective panicles per plant, 1000-grain weight, filled grained per panicle, panicle density, seed setting rate, and grain weight per plant. The results showed that, under drought stress, grain weight per plant showed a significant positive correlation with panicle neck thick, and highly significant positive correlation with the other five morphological traits. By the evaluation of the comprehensive drought index D value, we obtained seven local-cultivated rice varieties with high drought resistance type (6.67%). Guangxi upland rice contains high percentage of high drought resistance resources, which can be used for germplasm screening. The identified germplasm is of significance for improvement of rice drought resistance.