Identification of the genetic relationship between different cultivated varieties in Qinling Slope dryland
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Key Words: polyacrylamide gelelectrop horesis  esterase  transfer rate  joint coefficient  enzyme similarity
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Xin-jun1, XIE Jing2, WU Zhen1, DENG Han-shuang1 (1.商洛学院生物医药工程系, 陕西 商州 726000
2.陕西师范大学生命科学院, 陕西 西安 710062) 
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      In order to provide the basis for variety breeding and germplasm identification of Chinese traditional medicine Platycodon grandiflorum in Qinling slope dryland, platycodon esterase isozymes (EST) expression difference of different leaf position in three different regions is studied by application of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) technique, and through the EST-PAGE map mobility (Rf), joint coefficient (S) (T), enzyme spectrum similarity comprehensive analysis method, Put forward the preliminary kinship evaluation of shangluo Platycodon grandiflorum cultivation varieties in the different regions of slope dryland. The results showed that the genetic relationship between different regions size order:Pingliang-Gansu> Zibo-Shandong>Guangyuan-Sichuan>Lantian-Xian>Chifeng-Neimenggou≈Shangluo-Shaanxi, there are no difference between Chifeng-Neimenggou and Shangluo-Shaanxi in species of the platycodonis.