Evaluation Research for the Carrying Capacity of Water Resources in Hetian Based on the PSO-PPE Model
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Key Words: carrying capacity of water resources  PSO-PPE model  Hetian Prefecture
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WU Xue-mei, Tashpolat Tiyip, Mamat Sawut, ZHANG Fei (新疆大学资源与环境科学学院 新疆大学绿洲生态教育部重点实验室 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830000) 
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      In order to quantitatively evaluate the carrying capacity of water resources in Hetian Prefecture, guide the cooperative development of the water resources with the society, economy and ecological system in this region, this paper starts from the compound system of water resources-society -ecological environment, establish the evaluation indexed system for the carrying capacity of water resources with the regional characteristics. Then using the PSO-PPE model based on the particle swarm optimization, and analyzed the indexes which has a significant effect combined with the regression analysis method. The results showed that: The carrying capacity of water resources in Hetian was the class II within the eight years, it belonged to the situation of weak and less pressure, reflected that carrying capacity of water resources in the region can be met the current social economic developing requirement. But it does not indicate that this region isn’t belong to the water-scarce areas; Among them the height and lowness of the water resource per capita, the development and utilization rate of water resources, the urbanization rate have the rather high impac t to the size of the evaluation value for the carrying capacity of water resources. Judging from the long-term development planning, it needs to combine with the characteristics of the oasis development in arid areas, to draw up the scientific and rational water resources management and utilization measures to ensure the sustainable development of the water resources and socio-economy.