Research on the comprehensive diagnosis of change point of tuwei river's yearly runoff
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Key Words: variation point  comprehensive diagnosis  Tuwei River
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YANG Xiao-xiao1,2, WANG Shuang-yin1, WANG Jian-ying1, YANG Hui-long1 (1.西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100 2.江西省水文局江西 南昌 330002) 
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      Research on evolution of hydrology and water resources in river basin can provide an important decision basis for the utilization and protection of basin water resources and regional sustainable development of economy and society. In this study, the watershed runoff and precipitation trends and variability are analyzed according to the annual flow and precipitation data in 1956—2004 of Tuwei River Watershed outlet station-Gaojiachuan station. The results show that the precipitation trend and variability is not obvious, and the runoff decreased significantly. It is determined eventually that the jump variation of runoff occurred in 1978 by comprehensive diagnosis with various methods. The rationality of results is reasoned according to its origin combined with actual survey. Comprehensive diagnosis effectively solves poor reliability for single test and inconsistency between various tests, and has certain effects for identification and test to variation point of complex time series.