Study about land ecological safety based on ecological tension index in Shangluo
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Key Words: ecological footprint  ecological tension index  land ecological safety  Shangluo
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ZHANG Hong-xia, ZENG Ke, LI Rui-kang (商洛学院城乡发展与管理工程系 陕西 商洛 726000) 
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      The per capita ecological footprint and biological capacity from 2007—2011 in Shangluo were calculated by applying the ecological footprint principle and the ecological tension index method; and the ecological safety status of land therein in the same period were classified into different grades. The findings show that the ecological safety status of land is in “safer” grade and that the ecological tension index in Shangluo features increase first and then decrease. These demonstrate that the yield of biologically productive land of Shangluo has been increasing year after year and that the overall ecological safety status is good.