Effects of chicken-raising stereoscopic agriculture in orchards on soil calcium nutrient and apple quality on Weibei Dryland
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Key Words: stereoscopic agriculture  chicken-raising in orchard  apple quality  soil calcium degradation
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WANG Hao, WANG Yi-quan, JIAO Cai-qiang, ZHU Fei-hua, ZHANG Run-xia (西北农林科技大学 资源环境学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      In order to evaluate the suitability and sustainability of chicken-raising stereoscopic agriculture in orchards, the soil pH, content of soil calcium carbonate, content of soil soluble calcium and sodium, fruit density, shape, firmness, soluble solid and titratable acid were compared between chicken-raising orchards and common one (the control) on WeiBei Dryland. The results showed that the mode of chicken-raising in orchards decreased the pH in surface layer (0~10 cm), but increased it in subsurface layer. Under the mode of chicken-raising in orchards, the dissolution rate of CaCO3 in 0~50 cm soil layer was promoted. The soil calcium density in chicken-raising orchards declined by CaCO3 17.75 kg·m-2 in 5 years compared with the control, and the decreasing rate of soil calcium density in chicken-raising orchards was CaCO3 0.259 kg·m-2·a-1. The content of soluble calcium in 0~50 cm soil profile was significantly increased, and the fruit quality was also improved. To sum up, chicken-raising in orchards have made a positive effect in improving fruit production currently. However, from the viewpoint of soil calcium loss and degradation, great concerns should be paid to the healthy and sustainable development of fruit industry.