Analysis on soil moisture variation and its meteorological influencing factors at spring sowing period in western Liaoning Province
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Key Words: western Liaoning Province  soil moisture at spring sowing period  soil moisture before freezing  meteorological influencing factor
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Xiao-tao1, LI Ji2, CHAO Hua1, LI Jing2, ZHANG Hai-na1, MA Xiao-gang3 (1.沈阳区域气候中心 辽宁 沈阳 110016 2.辽宁省气象科研所辽宁 沈阳 110016 3.阜新市气象局 辽宁 阜新 123000) 
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      The variation characteristics of soil moisture and precipitation and their relationship in western Liaoning Province were discussed, using the data of soil moisture, precipitation and temperature from 1981 to 2011. The results showed that the soil moisture showed a remarkable desiccation trend and the precipitation in the same period was not the only influencing factor. There was a positive correlation between soil moisture at spring sowing period and precipitation of last autumn, and the correlation coefficient was 0.69 in deep layer; there was a significant positive correlation between soil moisture at spring sowing period and soil moisture before freezing, and the correlation co efficient was 0.84 at most. Such a positive correlation was due to the freezing rain that was special in northern China. The autumn rainwater could be frozen in soil in winter and be thawed in the following spring, making the soil to become moist. Soil moisture in May showed a positive correlation with precipitation in the same period, and the correlation coefficient was 0.67 in shallow layer; how ever, it showed a negative correlation with temperature, and the correlation coefficient was -0.58 in deep layer.