Detection of DNA ladder and caspase-like activities in Malus baccata during infection of Diplocarpon mali
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Key Words: Malus baccata  Marssonina coronaria   infection  DNA ladder  caspases-like
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FAN Tao, REN Bin, HAN Qing-mei, HUANG Li-li (旱区作物逆境生物学国家重点实验室 西北农林科技大学植物保护学院 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      Detached leaves of Malus baccata and Malus domestica cv. Fuji were inoculated with conidia suspension of Diplocarpon mali. Samples were harvested one day after inoculation (dai), 3 dai and 5 dai, respectively. DNA of the samples was extracted for detection of DNA ladder. Gross proteins of the samples were extracted for detection of caspase-like activities using special fluorescent substrate. DNA ladder and caspase-like activities were examined to explain the relationship between programmed cell death (PCD) and resistance of M. baccata infected by D. mali. The results showed that DNA ladder was barely detected in M. baccata 1 dai, 3 dai or 5 dai. Activities of YVADase, DEVDase, IETDase and VEIDase in leaves of M. baccata were shown to have no variations 1 dai and 3 dai, while became decreased 5 dai to about 30% of those 1 dai, which was significantly lower than those of the control group. This study showed that DNA ladder was not generated in M. baccata during the infection of D. mali with the accompany of declining caspase-like activities.