The influences of fertilization positions on water and nitrate distribution under wheat/ maize ridge and furrow intercropping
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Key Words: ridge and furrow irrigation  wheat/maize intercropping  fertilization position  nitrate nitrogen  soil water content  yield
Author NameAffiliation
TIAN Ying1, ZHAO Xi-ning2,3, CHEN Xiao-li2, WANG Zi-kui1 (1.西北农林科技大学水利与建筑工程学院 陕西 杨凌 712100
2.中国旱区节水农业研究院, 陕西 杨凌 712100
3.中国科学院水土保持研究所, 陕西 杨凌 712100) 
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      Through the drought shed simulation wheat/maize ridge and furrow intercropping experiment, we investigated influences of three different positions (ridge top, ridge bottom and furrow) fertilizer on the growth, yield of wheat /maize and the effect of soil water and nitrogen distribution. The results showed that the influences of fertilizer position on the water distribution are not significant for the same irrigation, but the distribution of soil nitrate differed markedly. Fertilization on ridge top and ridge bottom showed different nitrate distribution at 0~30 cm soil layer, which can effectively affect soil nitrate leaching. No obvious difference in nitrate distribution was detected between the same water and nitrate treatments of the late maize growth zone. Furrow intercropping can effectively reduce moisture loss and nitrogen leaching than conventional flat intercropping, with enhancing effect on wheat/maize growth and consequently increased wheat yield by 11.47%~10.81% and maize yield by 18.87%~22.70%.