Effect of phosphorus, potassium levels on yield and nutrition absorption of upland potato in Yunnan
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Key Words: potato  phosphorus and potassium levels  fertilizer utilization efficiency  agronomic efficiency  yield
Author NameAffiliation
YIN Mei1, WANG Gui-bao2, HONG Li-fang1, FU Li-bo1, CHEN Hua1, CHEN Jian-feng1, REN Shi-suo2, ZHANG Qin-bing2, HUANG Hui2, SU Fan1 (1.云南省农业科学院农业资源环境研究所 云南 昆明 650205
2.云南省曲靖市麒麟区土肥站 云南 曲靖 655000) 
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      The field experiments have been set up on low and middle-high fertility farmland in Yunnan Qujing, with the aims of investigating the effects of phosphorus, potassium levels on biomass, yield and fertilizer utilization rate of upland potato. The results indicated that the yield of potato for middle-high fertility land in Dongshan was higher than that for low fertility land in Yuezhou, being 10 305.00~20 140.20 kg·hm-2 when the same fertilizer rate was applied. In Yuezhou, yield with NP2K3(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,90 kg·hm-2; K2O, 405 kg·hm-2) treatment and income with NP2K1(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,90 kg·hm-2; K2O, 135 kg·hm-2) treatment are the highest. In Dongshan, yield and income with NP2K2(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,90 kg·hm-2; K2O, 270 kg·hm-2) treatment are the highest. The change trends of potato dry biomass for both field experiments were similar. Potato dry biomass with NP2K2 treatment was higher than the others, and without P or K treatment was lower than the others. The amount of K accumulation was the highest in potato, followed by N and P. The high rate of NPK accumulation of potato occurred from tuber growth period to starch accumulation period. PK efficiency of potato in Dongshan was considerably higher than that in Yuezhou. P utilization rate and agronomic P efficiency of potato with NP1K2(N,150 kg·hm-2; P2O5,45 kg·hm-2; K2O, 270 kg·hm-2) were higher than those of other treatments. P utilization rate and agronomic P efficiency of potato decreased with increasing of P application. K utilization rate and agronomic K efficiency of potato with NP2K1 were higher than those of other treatments. Kutilization rate and agronomic K efficiency of potato decreased with increasing of K application.