“Evaporation Paradox” phenomenon expression in Jilin Province
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Key Words: evaporation paradox  global warming  spatial and temporal distribution  pan evaporation
Author NameAffiliation
YUE Yuan 沈阳农业大学 辽宁 沈阳 110866 南京信息工程大学应用气象学院 江苏 南京 210044 
WANG Yan-ping 吉林省气象信息网络中心 吉林 长春 130062 
WANG Qi 吉林省气象科学研究所 吉林 长春 130062 
WANG Gui-bin 本溪市气象局 辽宁 本溪 117000 
LIN Yi 辽宁省气象服务中心 辽宁 沈阳 110166 
LUO Xin-lan 沈阳农业大学 辽宁 沈阳 110866 
Hits: 1946
Download times: 1587
      Using the meteorological information during 1963 to 2012 of 45 weather stations in Jilin Province, analyzed the changing trend of pan evaporations in 50 years, which observation data were collected from the 20 cm caliber evaporation pan. Combined the climate change, emphatically analyzed the spatial and temporal distribution rule of the “Evaporation Paradox” in Jilin Province. The results showed that: In 50 years, the pan evaporation has assumed a significant decline tendency in Jilin Province. Among them, in spring the decline rate and decrease range was the maximum, and in other three seasons despite the change trend was slightly rose, but was not remarkable. In the past 50 years, on the whole the “paradox evaporate” was existed in Jilin Province. In geography, the number of weather station existed “evaporation paradox” phenomenon was presented the distribution form as gradually increasing from west to east. But the paradox rarely appeared in Changbai Mountain areas. In different years, the number of stations existed paradox was different in Jilin Province, in 1980s was the maxima, followed was 2000s and 1970s, the minimum was 1990s. From the seasons, the “evaporation paradox” was existed in spring all over the province, other three seasons were central in middle Changchun area, two season in summer and autumn were expanded to the east regions, in winter was contracted to the middle region.