Growth of sugar beet and its nitrogen uptake and utilization influenced by nitrogen level under different salinity
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Key Words: sugar beet  salt stress  nitrogen fertilizer application level  nitrogen use efficiency  growth and development  osmotic potential
Author NameAffiliation
WEI Xian-zhen Tianjin Recyclable Resources Institute, China CO-OP, Tianjin 300191, China 
ZHAO Bin Tianjin Recyclable Resources Institute, China CO-OP, Tianjin 300191, China
Tianjin Resources Recycling Technology of Electronic Waste Engineering Center, Tianjin 300191, China 
WU Xiao-yan Tianjin Recyclable Resources Institute, China CO-OP, Tianjin 300191, China
Tianjin Resources Recycling Technology of Electronic Waste Engineering Center, Tianjin 300191, China 
SONG Yun-tao Tianjin Recyclable Resources Institute, China CO-OP, Tianjin 300191, China 
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      In a pot experiment, sodium chloride was used to imitate three salinity level: mild(S1), medium (S2) and serious(S3) to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilization on the growth and development, nitrogen uptake and utilization in sugar beet in salt environment. The main results were shown as follows: (1) Nitrogen application (0.3~2.4 g·kg-1) can significantly alleviate the damage caused by salt stress to sugar beet and enhance its ability to survive under salt stress. In mild(S1) and medium(S2) salt concentration, the optimum nitrogen application of sugar beet was 1.2 g·kg-1. In high (S3) salt concentration, the optimum nitrogen application was 0.6 g·kg-1. (2) The osmotic potential of sugar beet leaves decreased with nitrogen application increasing (0~2.4 g·kg-1) in three concentration of NaCl and osmotic adjustment ability showed an trend of increase. (3) Nitrogen application could promote the synthesis of photosynthetic pigments in beet assimilation branches under different salinity, resulting in a high photosynthetic efficiency. (4) Both nitrogen productivity and agronomic nitrogen use efficiency showed a descending trend with nitrogen application increasing in three concentration of NaCl. They dropped dramatically when nitrogen application was 0.3~1.2 g·kg-1. Both nitrogen productivity and nitrogen agronomic efficiency ranked as S1~S2~S3 in the same nitrogen level. (5) Nitrogen content in tuber, petiole and leaf of sugar beet increased with nitrogen application increasing (0~2.4 g·kg-1) in three concentration of NaCl. Nitrogen content generally appeared as leaf>petiole>tuber in the same nitrogen level. (6) The upper limit of nitrogen application was 1.39, 1.33 g·kg-1 and 1.24 g·kg-1 in the S1, S2 and S3 salinity, and for each of them, the highest yield of sugar beet of 90.09, 72.86 g·pot-1 and 32.47 g·pot-1 respectively, was harvested.