Effects of planting density of different plant type maize on yield in northwest dry highland of loess plateau
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Key Words: northwest dry highland of Loess Plateau  maize  plant type  planting density  yield  dry matter  filling rate
Author NameAffiliation
ZHAO Gang Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
WANG Shu-ying Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
FAN Ting-lu Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
DANG Yi Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
WANG Lei Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
ZHANG Jian-jun Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
LI Shang-zhong Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
CHENG Wan-li Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences Institute of Dryland, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
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      In order to clarify the effect of densification on yield in Northwest dry highland of Loess Plateau, a study was carried out in 2011-2014 at Ministry of Agriculture Northwest Dryland Crop Nutrition and Fertilization Experiment Station Scientific Observations, using five maize cultivars and conducting four density treatments. The results showed that the field water consumption of different plant types was basically similar. Compact varieties yielded more than flat-type, and the optimum planting density for flat-type was 70 700 plants·hm-2, the density for the compact type was increased by 9 100 plants·hm-2, and the yield increased by 2 085.9 kg·hm-2. With the increase in the density of the two plant-type varieties, dry matter of individual plant and root-shoot ratio showed a decreasing trend, at the filling and maturity stage, the density of 75 000 and 90 000 plants·hm-2 of compact maize had same root to shoot ratio. and the highest dry matter of flat-type maize varieties with 60 000 plants·hm-2 was 32 310 kg·hm-2, and that of the compact type with 75 000 plants·hm-2 was 29 226 kg·hm-2. The dry matter accumulation amount of flat-type is more than that of the compact type; the filling rate parameter of flat type is 0.18 g·d-1 higher than that of the compact type, and the average filling rate is 0.03 g·d-1 higher, the duration of grain filling is not much different. the density has little effect on grain filling rate, and the rate of the low-density was fast 0.01 g·d-1 than that of high density, but the grain filling duration was delayed by 5~15 d. So selecting compact maize or relatively flat varieties for Northwest dry highland of Loess Plateau, and the sowing density increased by 9 000 plants·hm-2, which was beneficial to optimizing the structure of population and increasing the yield of maize.