Effects of reclamationon content and microorganism community metabolic diversity of soil aggregates
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Key Words: soil aggregation  biolog  carbon utilization  metabolic diversity  reclamation
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Lei Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology Agriculture of Xinjiang Bingtuan, Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832003, China 
WANG Wei-chao Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology Agriculture of Xinjiang Bingtuan, Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832003, China 
ZHANG Feng-hua Key Laboratory of Oasis Ecology Agriculture of Xinjiang Bingtuan, Shihezi University, Shihezi, Xinjiang 832003, China 
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      The researchwas conducted on Salinization of abandoned farmland in Manasi River of Xinjiang, China. Based on Biolog ecological plate method,the distribution of soil aggregation and the functional diversity of aggregate-associated microorganism were analyzed in proand post reclamation to evaluate the effect of artificial reclamation on soil quality. The results showed that the content of soil aggregate>0.25 mm in whole soil profile increased 3%~18% after reclamation. The content of soil aggregate 0.25~0.053 mm was significantly higher than other particles in abandoned farmland and after reclamation (P<0.05). The average well color development of soil aggregate-associated microorganism after reclamation was significantly higher than that in abandoned farmland. The AWCD in the <0.053 mm soil aggregate-associated microorganism was significantly higher than that in the >0.25 mm soil aggregate in abandoned farmland. The AWCD of soil aggregate-associated microorganism in different particle sizes present orderedas 2~1 mm>0.25~0.053 mm>1~0.25 mm>(<0.053 mm)>(>5 mm)>5~2 mm. Richness index of >0.25 mm soil aggregate-associated microorganism increased and which of < 0.25 mm soil aggregate-associated microorganism decreased after reclamation.Evenness index of soil aggregate-associated microorganism was significantly higher than that in abandoned farmland after reclamation. Dominance index of soil aggregate-associated microorganism was lower than that in abandoned farmland after reclamation, especially in the 5~2,2~1,1~0.25 mm and 0.25~0.053 mm soil aggregate. Six carbon source’s utilization intensity of soil aggregate-associated microorganism is different between abandoned farmland and reclaimed farmland. The highest utilization of polymers was observed in soil aggregate microorganism in abandoned farmland, but it changed to carbohydrate after reclamation. The carbon source utilization of soil microorganism was different on PC1 in pro-post abandoned farmland. Carbohydrates, carboxylic acids and amino acids were the main carbon sources that caused the diversity of microbial metabolism in soil aggregates. In general, reclamation had an important influence on soil aggregates metabolic diversity of microbial community.