Characteristics of agricultural meteorological disasters in North China from 1986 to 2015
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Key Words: North China  agricultural meteorological disasters  loss rate  fluctuation  disaster grade
Author NameAffiliation
LIU Xiao Xingtai Weather Office of Hebei Province, Xingtai, Hebei 054000, China 
HE Xue-min Inner Mongolia Meteorological Information Center, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010051, China 
YOU Song-cai Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China 
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      Based on statistical data from provinces,Hebei,Henan and Shandong during 1986 to 2015,loss rate, fluctuation and grade of agro-meteorological disasters were analyzed. Generally, agro-meteorological disasters in Hebei, Henan and Shandong showed a decreasing trend in the past 30 years, with an average composite loss rate of 7.5%~16.4%, 5.6%~12.3% and 6.2%~13.9%, respectively. The disaster loss rate in Hebei Province ordered as drought>hail>flood >low temperature.But the disaster loss rate in Henan Province and Shandong Province ordered as drought>flood>hail>low temperature.Drought was still the most serious disaster in the Northern China Plain, but drought in the provinces showed a downward trend. Hebei was the most serious, occupying 64.2% of the comprehensive loss rate. Flood in Henan and Shandong showed the trend of increasing first and then decreasing, while Hebei was in a declining trend. Wind and hail in Hebei and Shandong was in a declining trend, with Henan increasing first and then decreasing; Hebei was the most serious, occupying 19.8%. Low temperature in Henan and Shandong showed the trend of increasing first and then decreasing, while Hebei was increasing. Henan was the most serious, occupying 5.2%. Flood and low-temperature occured occasionally, among which flood in Henan was the most fluctuant and low-temperature in Shandong was the most fluctuant. Drought and wind hail were the normal disasters, among which the drought and hail in Hebei were the least fluctuant. The results showed that drought and hail were normal disasters, and the annual fluctuation was small, which had a great impact on agricultural production. But the effects of flood and low temperature were relatively small, with great annual variability and strong intensity.