The localized spatial relation between shallow groundwater and soil properties in Keriya Oasis
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Key Words: shallow groundwater  surface soil  soil moisture content  soil electrical conductivity  spatial relationship  interpolation method  geographically weighted regression
Author NameAffiliation
HUANG Ling College of Resources and Environmental Sciences
The Key Lab of Oasis Ecosystem of MOE 
WAHAP Halik The Key Lab of Oasis Ecosystem of MOE
College of Tourism, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830046, China 
LU Long-hui College of Resources and Environmental Sciences
The Key Lab of Oasis Ecosystem of MOE 
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      It is of great significance to reveal the spatial distribution of shallow groundwater and surface soil properties, especially, the spatial relationship in local scale between them. Through the integrated methods of the interpolation methods, the grid cells method, the geographical weighted regression (GWR), and ordinary least squares (OLS), we studied the spatial distribution and relation of shallow groundwater characteristics (level and conductivity) and surface soil properties (water content and conductivity) in a typical arid oasis (Keriya Oasis). The results showed that interpolation prediction method using RBF on groundwater level and soil conductivity had the best fit compared to other methods. Meanwhile, using IDW on groundwater conductivity and using Ordinary Kriging method on surface soil moisture were more suitable. The OLS model was used to find the spatial relationship between conductivity and water content of surface soil, and GWR model was used for finding the spatial relationship between other indexes. Compared with the overall correlation (0.85) between soil conductivity and water content, the spatial relationship in the local scale showed that the correlations were higher in western than eastern regions. With the overall correlation (0.602) between soil conductivity and groundwater conductivity, the spatial relationship in the local scale appeared inconsistent results both positive and negative correlations. Compared with the overall negative correlation between water content of soil and groundwater level, and between groundwater conductivity and level, the spatial relationship in the local scale appeared positive correlation in some areas. The groundwater level increased from the northwestern to the southeastern, and groundwater conductivity showed low-high-low from the southwestern to the northeastern. Meanwhile, the soil conductivity and water content illustrated low-high-low-high trend in the area. GWR model could reflect more spatial heterogeneity than the OLS model, especially, might be opposite local relations or different level of relationship compared with the overall relationship.