Design and test of combined equipment for chopping cotton stalk and recycling plastic film in the field
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Key Words: cotton  straw crushing  residual film recycle  combined equipment  working parameters  field experiment
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Ying-ying Institute of Metallurgy and ResourcesBayin Guoleng Technology CollegeXinjiang, Kuerle 841000 China 
KANG Jian-ming Shandong Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China 
GUO Zhen-hua Institute of Metallurgy and ResourcesBayin Guoleng Technology CollegeXinjiang, Kuerle 841000 China 
YAN Li-min Shandong Academy of Agricultural Mechanization Sciences, Jinan, Shandong 250100, China 
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      In order to solve the problem of efficiently collecting plastic film residue and chopping cotton stalk after harvesting cotton in Xinjiang, an equipment combining chopping the stalk and collecting plastic film residue was designed and tested. By analyzing the force of the stalk crushing, it showed that the optimal rotation speed of the cutter shaft was 2 000 r·min-1. After the analysis of the film releasing mechanism of this equipment, its design parameters were determined. Using driving speed, shovel entering angle, and rotating speed of film conveying chains as the influencing factors and the acceptability of chopping stalks and recovering of plastic film residues as the evaluation indicators, a field test was conducted. Meanwhile, parameters that impact the entire performance were analyzed to acquire the optimal relevant parameters and verify them by comparing to the current national industrial standards. The results indicated that when driving speed was 5.5 km·h-1, shovel entering angle was 30°, and rotation of plastic film conveying chains was 120 r·min-1, the acceptability of crushing stalk was 91.5% and the recovery rate of the plastic film residue was 85.7%. The running state of the entire equipment was good and that met the technical requirements of equipment for crushing and returning cotton stalks to fields and recovering plastic film residues in the field at the same time. This research results can provide important reference information for designing the combined equipment of chopping cotton stalk and recovering plastic film residues in the field.