Test and analysis of main meteorological disasters variation characteristics and influence\|weight during the growing period of gold silk jujube
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Key Words: gold silk jujube  meteorological disasters  variation characteristics  effect weight  test
Author NameAffiliation
WANG Qiong Hebei Cangzhou Meteorological Bureau, Cangzhou, Hebei 061001, China
Hebei Laboratory for Meteorological and Eco\|Environment, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, China 
YAO Shuran Meteorological Science Institute of Hebei Province, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, China
Hebei Laboratory for Meteorological and Eco\|Environment, Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, China 
ZHU Rui Hebei Cangzhou Meteorological Bureau, Cangzhou, Hebei 061001, China 
LIU Ling Chinese Academy of Meteorology Science, Beijing 100081, China 
XIONG Xianping Hebei Cangzhou Meteorological Bureau, Cangzhou, Hebei 061001, China 
BAI Yueming Hebei Cangzhou Meteorological Bureau, Cangzhou, Hebei 061001, China 
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      Based on the meteorological data of daily precipitation, air temperature, air relative humidity, and sunlight of Cangzhou in 1961-2018, yield data of Cangzhou gold silk jujube in 1998-2017, disaster survey data, and gold silk jujube growth period index of identification of meteorological disasters, we obtained the meteorological disaster of gold silk jujube at different growing periods that were as the high temperature at budding and leaf\|spreading stage, the high temperature and low humidity at flowering and fruit\|setting stage, the high temperature and sunburn at fruit swelling stage, the continuous rain at white\|ripening and harvest stages. The characteristics and influence\|weight of five kinds of meteorological disasters were calculated and tested through probability statistics and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).The results showed: (1) The high temperature at budding and leaf\|spreading stage, the high temperature and low humidity at flowering and fruit\|setting stage, the high temperature and daily burning at fruit swelling stage occurred every year with an annual frequency 100%. The annual frequency of continuous rain at white\|ripening stage and harvest stage were 37.9% and 25.9%, respectively. (2) The average peak frequency generation was different from year to year. The high temperature at budding and leaf\|spreading stage and the high temperature and low humidity at flowering and fruit\|setting stage had high frequency since 1960s and 2000s. The high temperature sunburn during fruit expansion reached its peak in 2011-2018. The continuous rain at white\|ripening stage and ripening harvest stage were higher in 1960s, 1970s, and 2000s. (3) At least three types of disasters occurred every year. The average annual frequency of the four disasters was 41.4%. The average annual frequency of the five disasters was 10.3%. (4) The influence\|weights of major meteorological disasters were different. The continuous rain at harvest stage had the greatest influence with a weight coefficient of 0.5848, followed by high temperature and low humidity in the flowering and fruit\|setting stage with a weight coefficient of 0.1920, high temperature daily burning in the expanding stage and continuous rain at white\|ripening stage ranked third and fourth, with a weight coefficient of 0.1081 and 0.0850, respectively, and high temperature at budding and leaf\|spreading stage had the least influence with a weight coefficient of 0.0301. The influence of meteorological disasters weight was tested and analyzed in 5 years with decline yield, and the tested results were basically consistent with the weight characteristics of each disaster.