Genetic diversity of agronomic traits analysis of broom corn millet germplasm in Heilongjiang Province
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Key Words: broom corn millet  germplasm resources  agronomic traits  genetic diversity  Heilongjiang Province
Author NameAffiliation
YAN Feng Qiqihaer Sub\|academy of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, QiqiharHeilongjiang 161006, China 
LI Qingquan Qiqihaer Sub\|academy of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, QiqiharHeilongjiang 161006, China 
DONG Yang Qiqihaer Sub\|academy of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, QiqiharHeilongjiang 161006, China 
JI Shengdong Qiqihaer Sub\|academy of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, QiqiharHeilongjiang 161006, China 
ZHENG Xu Qiqihaer Sub\|academy of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, QiqiharHeilongjiang 161006, China 
ZHAO Lei Qiqihaer Sub\|academy of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, QiqiharHeilongjiang 161006, China 
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      In this study, 11 agronomic traits of 149 proso millet germplasm resources from Heilongjiang were evaluated. The results showed that these broom corn millet germplasm resources represented abundant genetic diversity, and the genetic diversity index of 6 quantitative traits were 1000-grain weight(2.06)>height of main stem(2.02), main spike length(2.02)>growth period(1.94)>grain weight per plant(1.79)>node numbers of main stem(1.37), and the genetic diversity index of 5 quality traits were grain color (1.87)>inflorescence density(0.64), spike shape(0.64)>inflorescence color(0.51)>length of spike branching(0.46). Correlation analysis showed that grain weight per plant positively correlated to spike shape and inflorescence density. The cumulative contribution of the top 4 principal factors reached 72.49% in the principal factors analysis. The first principal factor was mainly related to spike shape, the second principal factor was mainly related to growth period,the third principal factor was mainly related to seed, and the forth principal factor was mainly related to yield. Based on the cluster analysis, 149 proso millet germplasm resources were classified into 4 groups and 20 germplasm accessions with elite traits(early maturing, short stalk,good seed setting rate and high yield)were found useful for future breeding.