Effects of deep vertically rotary tillage and film mulching on soil physical properties and potato yield in the arid area of Southern Ningxia
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Key Words: potato  deep vertically rotary tillage  film mulching  soil physical properties  yield  arid area of Southern Ningxia
Author NameAffiliation
ZHANG Bangyan College of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021, China 
HE Wenshou College of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021, China 
LI Huixia College of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021, China 
CHEN Yanyun School of Life Sciences, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021, China 
HE jinyu School of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia 750021, China 
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      Field trials were carried out in Baicheng Village, Xinying Township, Xiji County in 2018 and 2019 with two\|factor split zone design experiment of film mulching. The main area had four tillage treatments of conventional rotary tillage to 20 cm depth (CT) as a control, deep vertically rotary tillage to 30 cm (FL30), 45 cm (FL45), and 60 cm (FL60) depths, and the secondary area was set for two treatments of black film (BM) and without film (NM).The soil physical properties and potato yield were measured, and the influence of deep vertically rotary tillage and film mulching on soil physical properties and potato yield was studied. The results showed that, compared with traditional tillage, deep vertically rotary tillage effectively reduced the soil bulk density of the plough layer and improved the soil porosity. Among them, the effect of deep vertically rotary tillage to 45 cm treatment was better, and the average soil bulk density and porosity of 0~60 cm in the deep vertically rotary tillage to 45 cm treatment were significantly reduced the soil bulk density by 5.70% and increased the soil porosity by 5.28%, respectively, compared with traditional farming. Compared with traditional farming, deep vertically rotary tillage significantly increased the number of aggregates with mechanical stability of 0~60 cm soil layer >0.25 mm by 4.95%. The deep vertically rotary tillage, film mulching and the interaction of the two had significant effects on soil water storage during the key growth period of potato. The deep vertically rotary tillage to 60 cm mulching treatment significantly increased by 22.26% compared with the traditional farming without film mulching treatment. Among all treatment combinations, the total potato yield and the rate of commercial potatoes were the highest in deep vertically rotary tillage to 45 cm mulching treatment, which was 69.69% and 15.15% higher than that of the traditional farming without mulching. Improving the physical properties of dry land soil with the deep vertically rotary tillage and film mulching treatment was beneficial to water storage and moisture retention, and thus potato growth. The effect of increasing production and water content in the deep vertically rotary tillage to 45 cm with film mulching was the most significant.