Vernalization rate, cold tolerance and genetic diversity analysis of winter Brassica rapa L. cultivated in Northern China
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Key Words: Brassica rapa L.  vernalization rate  LT50  botanical character  molecular marker  genetic diversity analysis
Author NameAffiliation
LU Xiaoming College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
WU Junyan College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
WANG Xinfa Oil Crops Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100000, China 
XU Aixia College of Agronomy, Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China 
LI Xuecai College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
LIU Lijun College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
MA Li College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
PU Yuanyuan College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
NIU Zaoxia College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
WANG Huiwen College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
ZHU Mingchuan College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
FAN Junqiang College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
SUN Wancang College of Agronomy, Gansu Agricultural University/Rapeseed Engineering Research Center of Gansu Province/Gansu Key Laboratory of Crop Improvement and Germplasm Enhancement/State Key Laboratory of Aridland Crop Science Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China 
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      Twenty\|six northern winter Brassica rapa L. varieties were used as the study materials. We observed botanical characters of seedlings before overwintering, calculated the semi\|lethal temperature (LT50) and analyzed the relationship between cold tolerance and vernalization rate after sowing in early spring. Meanwhile, the selected SRAP, SSR and InDel markers were used to cluster the tested materials. The results showed that there were abundant variations at each of traits of winter Brassica rapa L., with the Simpson (D) of 0.011~0.847 and the Shannon\|Weaver (H) of 0.035~2.046. The diversity index of petiole length was the highest in numeric traits, and that of growth habit was the lowest in qualitative traits. The vernalization rate of the tested materials was 6.59%~69.88%. The LT50 of the tested materials was -3.52~-9.93℃. Correlation analysis showed that vernalization rate was extremely and significantly positively correlated with LT50(P≤0.01), significantly positively correlated with growth habit (P≤0.05), but it was extremely and significantly negatively correlated with leaf color (P≤0.001). Genetic diversity analysis showed that 27 pairs of primers were screened from 26 Brassica rapa L., and the total number of alleles was 130. Moreover, the averaged effective allele number (Ne) was 3.14, and the averaged Shannon’s diversity index (I) was 1.2073. The averaged Nei's genetic diversity index (H) was 0.6168, and the averaged polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.5681. According to the clustering and principal coordinate analysis, the tested materials were divided into 6 categories. Groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ were mainly raised in Tianshui, while groups Ⅲ, Ⅳ, Ⅴ and Ⅵ were mainly materials raised in Lanzhou.