Synergy and antagonism of decaying substance of Allium galanthun and Conyza canadensis on growth of two associated plants
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Key Words: Allium galanthun  Conyza canadensis  mixed decomposition  allelopathy  associated plants
Author NameAffiliation
YANG Liuqing College of Horticulture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China 
JI Huaifeng College of Horticulture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China 
LIN Chenyi College of Horticulture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China 
LI Wenjing College of Horticulture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China 
LIANG Jian College of Horticulture, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi, Xinjiang 830052, China 
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      To examine the allelopathic effects of the invasive plant Conyza canadensis and Allium galanthum on growth and physiology of the associated plants and the chemical properties of the substrate after the end of growth, this study used the straw of Allium galanthum and Conyza canadensis which growing in northern Xinjiang as donor plants, Thlaspi arvense and Portulaca oleracea associated with Allium galanthun were chosen as recipient materials. The effects of single decomposition of Allium galanthum from different tillers and mixed decomposition of Allium galanthum from different tillers with Conyza canadensis for 180 days in doors on growth, physiological changes of associated plants and substrate chemical properties at the end of annual growth were studied by potted experiment method. The results showed that the effects of single decomposition treatment on various growth indicators of Thlaspi arvense and Portulaca oleracea were “promoted at low concentrations and inhibited at high concentrations” and continued enhancement, respectively. Compared with the single decomposition treatment, the inhibitory effects of mixed decaying substance on root length, root volume, aboveground fresh and dry mass, and underground fresh and dry mass of Thlaspi arvense were reduced by 93%, 61%, 30%, 38%, 65%, 90%, respectively, and the inhibitory effects of root length and underground biomass of Portulaca oleracea were reduced by 60%, 75%, 49%, respectively. The root volume and shoot biomass changed from inhibition to promotion at the same low concentrations. The promoting effect of mixed decaying substance on the root volume of Thlaspi arvense was reduced by 77%, and the inhibiting effects on the aboveground biomass and underground fresh mass were reduced by 37%, 55%, 31%, respectively. The inhibitory effects of root length, root volume, aboveground dry mass and underground fresh mass of Portulaca oleracea were reduced by 21%, 51%, 14%, 33% respectively at the same high concentration. The compound allelopathy of Allium galanthum and Conyza canadensis was antagonistic. Correlation analysis showed that the chemical properties of mixed decomposition matrix were more beneficial to the growth of associated plants than that of single decomposition matrix. The result showed that allelopathy induced by the decomposition of Allium galanthum inhibited the growth and physiological activities of the associated plants. The invasion of Conyza canadensis tended to alleviate the inhibition effect on the associated plants and change the EC and pH values and the species diversity and ecological stability of the farmland.