Design and experiment of a multiple vegetable block seedling transplanter for large ridge double row planting
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Key Words: duplex transplanter  vegetables  design  field test  large ridge and double row planting
Author NameAffiliation
HE Tengfei Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery SciencesJi’nan, Shandong 250100China 
LI Hui Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery SciencesJi’nan, Shandong 250100China 
WANG Baoqing Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Ji’nan, Shandong 250100, China 
SHI Song Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery SciencesJi’nan, Shandong 250100China 
LIU Hu Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery SciencesJi’nan, Shandong 250100China 
ZHOU Jilei Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery SciencesJi’nan, Shandong 250100China 
LIU Xuechuan Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery SciencesJi’nan, Shandong 250100China 
CI Wenliang Shandong Academy of Agricultural Machinery SciencesJi’nan, Shandong 250100China 
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      To solve the problem with lack of matching planting machinery for large ridge double row planting in the plain area, a multiple vegetable block seedling transplanter suitable for large ridge double row was developed. The planting trajectory and switch control mechanism of the vegetable transplanter machine was designed and optimized.At the same time, to resolve the difficulty of depth control device of the ground wheel equipped with traditional agricultural machinery and the problem with precise control of planting depth on the double row film of the large ridge, a hydraulic planting deep imitation device based on the programmable controller was designed and integrated into the transplanting machine. With this new design, the whole machine could complete multiple operation processes such as rotary tillage ridge, ridge coating, double\|line independent profiling, and Z-shaped transplanting on the film at one time. The transplanting test was carried out at the planting frequency of 45 and 60 plants·min-1 respectively, the results of field experiments showed that the average values of the plant spacing and transplanting qualified rate were 94.08%, 90.45% and 91.90%, 88.33%, respectively. The average transplanting depth qualified rate was 94.15%. All parameters and indicators reached the specified values of the industry standard.