Yield effects of water-fertilizer coupling on high-yield cotton under surface irrigation
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Key Words: cotton  surface irrigation  coupling of water and fertilizer  yield
Author NameAffiliation
NIU Xinxiang Institute of Soil and Fertilizer Research, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesUrumqi, Xinjiang 830091China 
XU Yongmei Institute of Soil and Fertilizer Research, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesUrumqi, Xinjiang 830091China 
MA Xingwang Institute of Soil and Fertilizer Research, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesUrumqi, Xinjiang 830091China 
YANG Tao Institute of Soil and Fertilizer Research, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesUrumqi, Xinjiang 830091China 
WANG Bin Institute of Soil and Fertilizer Research, Xinjiang Academy of Agricultural SciencesUrumqi, Xinjiang 830091China 
GUO Yong College of Resources and EnvironmentXinjiang Agricultural University Urumqi Xinjiang 830052 China 
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      Based on the design of“3414” ,with the cotton variety of Zhongmian No.43 as test material in Shaya County,the coupling effects of water and chemical N,P fertilizers and water on cotton yield were stud- ied, and a regressive mathematical model was set up based on the cotton yield by quadrat ic regression analysis. The results showed that all test coupling levels of w ater and chemical fertilizers had significant effects on cotton yield. The yield-increasing effect of test factors w as in the order of P application rate irrigation amount> N application rate, w hile the coupling effect of w ater and chemical fertilizers w as in the sequence of N and P> N and water>P and water. For cotton yield, the optimum irriqat ion amount and application rates of chemical fertilizers were 545.55 kg/hm^ of N and 199.8 kg/hm' of P and 6429.3 m3/hm2 of water.